"Hello blog, i tell you last time that my mom is so sick... I feel so depressed and sad about it.. Who would want to see their moms in pain? eh? and also.. last time, i feel so guilty about breaking a promise...well uhmm.. with my friends... I wish i could go with my friends and have fun.. but i just couldn't! See... As if i can enjoy if all i can think and do at that time was to worry about my mom's condition... "

Now what?
Yesterday, i missed blogging... that was because i can't go online for like i usually do. What i did when i woke up early yesterday was to assist and took care of my mom.. and at that point, my mom's conditions worsens... She was so weak.. and again, frequently vomiting.. I was terrified.. and sort like in panic, i don't know what to do, since I was left alone with her..
so that was when I decided to call up dad and let her medications continue at the Hospital. This is so sudden.
We headed at St. Jude Family Hospital, there, a lot of medications were done. Super natakot ako dun sa nurse.. well not exactly to the nurse but with his syringe! Aww, that thing scared the sh*t out of me... (as if i was the one who'll face it.lol) I admit.. I feel goosebumps.. i don't know... i just hate hospitals... or maybe i don't hate it.. i'm just scared with it... ok back to the story, So that's it i was a little nervous, different thoughts starts to lurk in my mind. You see, for me, this is so unusual. I have never been admitted into Hospital before so it's kinda weird. After some of the medications and treatments, we headed at the Hospital's Female Ward, since this hospital is private, Wards capacity are for three to four patients only. Actually there is only one patient staying at the ward before my mom. And she's nice. Her name is Tita Jillieta. :)
After a couple of hours staying at the hospital, i decided to went home first and get some of the necessary stuffs that my mom will be using. When i came back, i feel so damn exhausted. I don't have a choice but to walk my way back to the Hospital in a sunny day. It burns... i mean literally..
i was resting a bit for a while besides my mom's bed. I don't feel bored at that time. It's just that i don't feel like being it. So with my headset resting to its appropriate place, my ears i suppose... i closed my eyes and tried to at least have a good power nap. It was quarter to 1pm. Suddenly... i think my dad is snoozing so badly ( i was with my dad also, together we took care of my mom.) Feeling like shaking up a bit. But wth! to my surprise, it wasn't my dad's snoozing or something... the fact was, the ground was shaking! Tita Jillieta (Mom's roommate) felt it too.. and she's like frantically grabbing her dextrose ready to take off and abandoned the shaking St. Jude Hospital. Well, i bet if you just have seen my face at that time you might cracked up a bit... i was like in deep shocked, wondering what to do. This is the first time i experienced this kind of earthquake! And it runs for a long 9 seconds i think... (probably one of the longest 9 seconds in my life) literally you could see that the Hospital is shaking.. Thank God, no one was hurt.
After of long hours taking care of my Mom, again i was sent back at home to do this and do that thing.. ( a demand by my father, that i must... not disobey:))
And once i got back, to my surprised, there was another patient. We called her "Inang" she's a sweet granny at the age of 83. Oh, how i love it when she smiles. She's the sweetest :) Tita Divine, the one whose taking care with Inang was so cool. Cool in a sense that she has a bubbly personality, i mean at some point in your life when you become a stranger you would wish for someone like tita Divine who know how to treat a stranger in a nice way whenever you're out somewhere... She keeps on reminding me of Engr. Bheng (our dean in College Engineering) and Sue Sylvester of Glee. So i say Seize it! lol.. Newly found friends not only for my parents, but me too... I find them so interesting to talk to. :)
Nothing much had happened, but some of the things i notice at the Hospital are these:
► Nurses : Aside from the fact that they do look good physically, i think they're like the sweetest creature on earth! Aww, they do take care of as if my mom was their mom too. :) Specially Mr. Nurse, the only male nurse who took care of my mom aww.. he's my crush.:)
► St. Jude Hospital : best food ever! Ok, i know what you're thinking. tinikman ko lang naman.. hehe
hmm.. what else??
i think that's it.. They do have a good service! Keep it up St. Jude Family Hospital! :)
Yesterday, March 27, Earth Hour... my mom went home :)
Thank God. She's with us again! Healthier than ever!
Yes, i know, definitely more days like this so called "so sudden/so unexpected days" will come. Right. But one thing I've learned. Its not all about the bad side that you should see.. You know, in times like this we should also see the beauty. The beauty of life, the beauty that we all run in circles, the beauty of undying Hope, the beauty of faith, the beauty of infinite possibilities of a better tomorrow, the beauty of life that no matter how bad the situation you're facing, there is a God by your side. Loving and guiding you all the way.
IN LIFE EVERYTHING MAY SEEMS SO UNFAIR JUST DON'T FORGET TO LEAN ON, on He's will, and ALSO in your will to follow him:)
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