Saturday, October 30, 2010
so ok.. I'm into this Pinoy Teleserye now! (which is kinda unusual because I've never ever got hooked with any Pinoy teleserye before), that's why I created a new fan vid. And also, i created this fanvid using my new video editing software, Sony Vegas. ( it reminds me of the very painful moment when I met photoshop! two words, NOSE BLEED! They're like the softwares that would make you point and click your mouse browser at the X button several times! *sighed* Hard to deal with at first then later on you'll love to use, like what else could i say. I'm in love with photoshop). Ok back to the real thing, I'm not posting this video to promote or something, it's just that YOUTUBE really pissed me off today! Like hell, i uploaded this video in HD, and yeah i've got this video uploaded in youtube in HD too but.. BUT.. it's freakin' laggy! Like its freezing for every blur transition. In which I believe my Sony Vegas was purely innocent. Because I've got my video's soft copy, smooth and yeah on its epic HD quality! So I'm wondering why on earth this could happen? *sighed* I'm really pissed youtube, Don't tell me it is another bug! Damm*t clean your system for the good of all mankind! ( ok I'm exaggerating! ) . FYI, I'm quite perfectionist that's why small things like this pisses me off that much. :L
I love youtube, at ang sakit sakit na! pwe! (one more chance?lol)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Baby baby noooooo…. Awesome!
Ok, so this blog post is especially dedicated to JB believers. Actually I’m just a mild fan of Justin Beiber. I like most of his songs. And I don’t care if most people hate his voice, for me it’s so cute and at the same time he really can sing! Other Talents? He can play the piano, drums and the guitar… I bet even some of the grownups couldn’t do that! One more thing JB is so freakinly gorgeous guy!
If the things I’ve stated above doesn’t please you that much.
Let us dig deeper to what really matters.
Justin started just like any people who are aiming for their dreams.
First you’ve got to believe into yourself….even if others don’t.
at this video.. Little JB sings his heart out despite the inevitable laughs coming from the crowd.
Comment from youtube:
“Whether people think he sucks or not, still gotta give him props for still performing when people in the crowd were laughing at him. Not many people that age would have done what he did.” ~SirBigDICKNigga
Follow your dreams, it doesn’t matter if you fail a couple of times the thing is you keep on trying and never looses hope.
You know what I really like about Justin Bieber is that even at his young age he already fulfilled one of his biggest dreams, and I know he deserves it. Every fruits that came from our “hard work” and “determination” I believe we all deserve it.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Can you believe that we didn’t accomplish the whole enrollment stuff that day that we need to go back the following day! *sighed* so here’s what happened on the day that follows, Again along with the well behave creatures (oh my god.. I’m choking!! Hellpp… haha) we came back at school and finally finished enrolling. Then I got home so early to finish my artworks. I prefer staying at home than hanging outside just saying.
So that’s the boring enrollment thingy, haha…
I’m not so sure on what’s gonna happen with this coming second semester ( yeah I supposed, like anu ako fortune teller?), but of course I bet there would be some endless “Hayy naku… waaahh.. exam na naman…” lines! Like who the hell wants exams nowadays? What else, I guess one thing that I’m looking forward to is probably just like what I have said on my early post ( see SCHOOOLING INTERRUPTING MY EDUCATION THING) … Second Semester marks a new beginning, so we should work our ass off better than before, Schooling is essential for our education so we should make the most out of it! And yeah, Schooling is much much much fun with the people around who always cheer you up! And remember the law of attraction guys! Negative feelings always attract negative happenings! So stay positive! Good vibes for the Win! ) It’s time to kick some ass! Woot!! )
Saturday, October 9, 2010
To the reader I want you to know how I am just being honest to myself, I’m not writing all this stuff because I have a traumatic experienced with either one of my profs or worst having something against my school or to anyone! THIS IS AN HONEST OPINION from a student who lately feel that SCHOOLING IS ACTUALLY INTERFERING HER EDUCATION! THIS SOUNDS CRAZY!
I dunno when and how this thought came up to me. It’s just that I woke up one day, went to school, and on my way to school suddenly I gave in to a thought, I was wondering, how and why everyday seems like a “replay”. Like you need to wake up and avoid being late… ( yes.. I suck on being on time! I’m always late! Arrr! Hate you Tina!) go to school, study some of the lessons your “instructor” instructed you to read but barely given you time for them to discussed it on class! WTF? Some will actually teach their students, yes that’s good, but what isn’t right is that they just give you an hour or so for a “talk-the-blah-blah-blah-and-let-the-student-understand-only-what-they-could-understand!”. What I mean is the traditional ways of learning! Like you sit in a class, you start to listen then scribble some of the notes written at the blackboard by your teacher. This way of learning is so passive! Yes some questions from the students were actually answered, but some was like, “ OK? And that’s for you to find out! Go on the library and do your research!” WTF?
It is as the old saying that goes, “Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a night. Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime”. Having knowledge and knowing how to use it are two completely different things. Schools should not simply give facts to students, they should teach them to use the facts. The education system for me I think fails at the latter.
I’ve been into a class were in I just sat for like an hour or so then started getting confuse rather than absorbing the new concepts or ideas about what my professor was trying to teach us, not because I’m dumb, it was because I have honestly no idea about what my professor was talking about in the first place, and I supposed when we learn new things, first thing to do is to introduced it itself and I believe the professor miss that part! They tend to give us facts yet they fail to teach on how we could use it! In my own native tongue, “Kulang kulang ang turo ni ma’am or ni sir… sabi ko nga.. minsan ang pagtuturo.. parang chismis yan eh.. minsan kahit totoo na yung chismis eh kung kulang magiiba ng definition! Oh chismis nga Diba?” It is not enough to leave it all to the part of the student, learning is hand to hand system.
Schooling could have been exciting if everyday each students becomes so enthusiastic regarding their studies, and we could have got to that point only if we established “productive-ways” of learning! Like students will be able to have at least experience the touch of the “actual-thing” or the reality itself about their chosen career!
I’ve been in electronics engineering course for years but still I’m so sad because I feel unequipped about the area of my chosen career. Its not just about the school or the professor to blame, I admit as a student I’ve committed mistakes. It’s just that lately I’ve realized that there are actually so many ways to improve my “schooling”.
And now as the first semester has reached its end a new chapter is ready to open. Hello second semester! Haha. As for my friends, classmates and schoolmates or to everyone who think they must do the same, I encourage you all to start this coming semester with a bang! It’s not just about going to school. Let’s make it more like going to school for learning and for “my education”. As we all know schooling is essential in order for us to have a better education, so we just can’t simply give it up because we’re bored or unsatisfied, in fact we must make it more like us. I know sounds confusing and ridiculous somehow but what I mean is that we should make our schooling more interesting in our own ways. Focus on the things that will make us equipped and will help us to face the battle grounds of real world. And remember we don’t have to make all things perfect, but I think there’s no harm in trying. It’s better than doing nothing.
So smile lang tayo… take optimism at its best! Embrace your inner weirdness!
WELL DONE IS MUCH BETTER THAN WELL SAID! So let’s make it happen! Go Tina!!!! Haha.. ( 5 stars for Christina! Maybe she has taken her optimism vitamins! Lol)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ok just a random blog about these two great singers. Recently or should I say yesterday, I encountered this so called “hate posts to Yeng Constantino” coming from an obviously Paramore fan (where Hayley is the lead vocals). She/He said that Yeng copies Hayley Williams and she’s/he’s very sure ‘bout it and I was like WTF?? That’s when it all started, believe it or not, my inner weirdness works once again, lol. I started to ask myself, why do people always tend to compare almost everything? Well the very reason that pops out in my mind is that people set standards for their selves. So true? I know right, I myself too. But what I mean about setting this “standards” is that it gets so mundane that when they actually get stuck with it and something “better” or almost the same as it is comes along, they started to have closed eyes and closed ears. In short, they become closed minded! Take my words, I’ve learned it trough the best mentor in town, “my experience”.

Anyways let’s go back to Yeng and Hayley. I’ve been a fan of Ms. Yeng Constantino since the day I insist myself to watch local station (Yeah, I’m a Disney kid! And now growing up sucks!!!! Lol ). There I was able to watch a reality TV show entitled “Pinoy Dream Academy”, at first I wasn’t so fond to it, not until I saw this guy name Jun Hirano (WTF? What happen to Yeng?lol.. wait just a sec… ). He’s so cute and he sings very great. Days past and I started to get hooked with the show. Then all of a suddenly the participants of the said reality show was given a chance to sing their own composition, and the very moment I heard the line… “Minsan madarama mong kay bigat ng problema….” Damn I don’t know but it was like I’m in love with the song the very first time I’ve laid my ears on it! Yes it was Yeng’s “Hawak Kamay”. Actually that song saves me! From then on I rooted for Yeng Constantino to win! And yes she won! And up to now I continue listening to her music. The feeling I’ve got from listening to her songs, word by word…. Damn I tell you that’s priceless!

Now let’s go on with Hayley Williams. Actually before the band Paramore get into the mainstream, I’m actually a fan! Well thanks to a highschool friend of mine, (hey Erica!!) who introduced them to me. She knew that I’m fond to rock and alternative songs so she let me borrow her Paramore cd’s. The very first song I heard was “Misery Business” and I remember I told myself, this is what you call music! Lol. Then boom, I became a paramore fan. I started to browse some of their songs and some facts about them through the internet… and I feel like I did the greatest discovery of my life ever since! Lol.
So you see, I really should know if Yeng imitates Hayley, because I’m a fan of both. For me they have their own unique style not just in singing but also with their character. Maybe if we talk about similarities, one common thing we could get is that, both are great and awesome singers who make great music for us.
Music means a lot to me.
Music is like the Air, without it I’ll die.
I’m so thankful for Yeng and Hayley for the great music. Both are epitome of awesome soulful musicians!