Ok just a random blog about these two great singers. Recently or should I say yesterday, I encountered this so called “hate posts to Yeng Constantino” coming from an obviously Paramore fan (where Hayley is the lead vocals). She/He said that Yeng copies Hayley Williams and she’s/he’s very sure ‘bout it and I was like WTF?? That’s when it all started, believe it or not, my inner weirdness works once again, lol. I started to ask myself, why do people always tend to compare almost everything? Well the very reason that pops out in my mind is that people set standards for their selves. So true? I know right, I myself too. But what I mean about setting this “standards” is that it gets so mundane that when they actually get stuck with it and something “better” or almost the same as it is comes along, they started to have closed eyes and closed ears. In short, they become closed minded! Take my words, I’ve learned it trough the best mentor in town, “my experience”.

Anyways let’s go back to Yeng and Hayley. I’ve been a fan of Ms. Yeng Constantino since the day I insist myself to watch local station (Yeah, I’m a Disney kid! And now growing up sucks!!!! Lol ). There I was able to watch a reality TV show entitled “Pinoy Dream Academy”, at first I wasn’t so fond to it, not until I saw this guy name Jun Hirano (WTF? What happen to Yeng?lol.. wait just a sec… ). He’s so cute and he sings very great. Days past and I started to get hooked with the show. Then all of a suddenly the participants of the said reality show was given a chance to sing their own composition, and the very moment I heard the line… “Minsan madarama mong kay bigat ng problema….” Damn I don’t know but it was like I’m in love with the song the very first time I’ve laid my ears on it! Yes it was Yeng’s “Hawak Kamay”. Actually that song saves me! From then on I rooted for Yeng Constantino to win! And yes she won! And up to now I continue listening to her music. The feeling I’ve got from listening to her songs, word by word…. Damn I tell you that’s priceless!

Now let’s go on with Hayley Williams. Actually before the band Paramore get into the mainstream, I’m actually a fan! Well thanks to a highschool friend of mine, (hey Erica!!) who introduced them to me. She knew that I’m fond to rock and alternative songs so she let me borrow her Paramore cd’s. The very first song I heard was “Misery Business” and I remember I told myself, this is what you call music! Lol. Then boom, I became a paramore fan. I started to browse some of their songs and some facts about them through the internet… and I feel like I did the greatest discovery of my life ever since! Lol.
So you see, I really should know if Yeng imitates Hayley, because I’m a fan of both. For me they have their own unique style not just in singing but also with their character. Maybe if we talk about similarities, one common thing we could get is that, both are great and awesome singers who make great music for us.
Music means a lot to me.
Music is like the Air, without it I’ll die.
I’m so thankful for Yeng and Hayley for the great music. Both are epitome of awesome soulful musicians!

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