
We all have a story to tell.

Whether we whisper or yell.
We all have a story, of adolescence and all it's glory.
We all have a story to tell.

Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.
Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.
Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?

-Happily ever after by HeisWe

If you can't

WRITE it! :)

Datteebbbaayyyoooo xTina!!! (^_^)

Friday, December 3, 2010


I’m doing this to let myself somehow ease the feeling of disappointment I gained on this day. Ok so here’s what happen. We have to submit our project today, the last time I checked I was too damn confident about it. But to my dismay, on the last minute mine fails! I never anticipated that such thing would happen today… though this morning I have this weirdest thought of something ‘unwanted’ will happen this afternoon. Damn, I have a pretty accurate intuition, almost all of the time! So there, in my panicky appearance I rushed up and fixed it as fast as I could. I want also to take this chance to thank Kuya Drei, for helping us throughout this project. A better credit for him will be given on January 5, as I quote Lhei, “Kuya Drei, sa January 5 na lang.. sweldo ko yun!”. And this “Siyempre, malilimutan ko ba kayo Julie at Tinai, you guys will have to splurge my sweldo, eating everything you wish!” Obviously the latter is only a wishful thinking. So there, I somehow managed to fix it right on time then class starts. Our instructor welcomes the class with the thought that once again will have to build another project. This time, an amplifier. Yeah Big Time! The part that I hate the most came, checking of transistor. Actually I don’t even have the slightest idea that the checking of tester would be so brutal (haha.. sorry for the term.. kinda feel that way… or am I just exaggerating everything? LOL). First we have to check for the packaging. And oh yes, checking of it includes dropping it 12 inches high above the table, and I was like WTF? Do we really need to do that? I feel a sudden brush of cold chills runs up on my spine as I remember my case won’t fit, so it means screwing won’t help to make my tester’s case stable and sturdy. So when I dropped it.. kablam… it almost fell open, and I’ve got this heartbreaking words form our instructor. “Christina… ayusin mo yan…. Hindi properly mounted yung case..” she exclaimed in her disappointedly tone of voice. It feels heartbreaking because as much as I hate to be disappointed I also hate disappointing someone. I know she have given us more than enough time to accomplished this and yet it turn out to be so disappointing. Luckily somehow, mine’s works properly, checked some of the transistors and it works properly. I’m just so disappointed with the packaging though, no matter how much I’ve tried to fix it, the top and back case won’t just fit together. So there, it wasn’t sturdy and I end up fixing it with the aid of scotch tape. WTF? The class suddenly turns into a crazy environment, as I’m not the only one cramming to fix our own testers.

I am very very disappointed especially to myself. I know I could have done better. Sabi ko nga kay Julie, maarte ako (good way though! Lol)! Yet I end up being contended only on the standard, or worse.. the worst! I’ve learned a thing today, “Hindi sapat ang “pwede na”, in everything we do, we must give our best. On the irony of the fact that no one is perfect I guess we must face another fact that being almost close to perfection is also an option, yes it is indeed possible. And also one more thing, you will never know when and where twist of fate comes. Petty as it may seem, I guess it is something like just like what had happened to me today, I was caught of guard because I never anticipated that this will happened.

Traumatic or just a mere exaggeration, it’s up to you. For me, I set my own standards and simple school projects means a lot to me, because I know I will get the benefit of being a responsible person someday from this.

To lighten up the epicness of this day, I along with my friends decided to sit down and talked about it at Mcdo. I feel revived somehow after splurging coke float, and eating fries. And most especially goofing around with the weirdest yet the awesomess( if there’s such word!) creatures in town.. Lhei and Julie 

Anyhoo… just to bury the “I must not tell what is to be bury-haha”
We all worked hard and do our own stuff, it is too much if you just ignore the blessing that is given to you, if there is such, bonus yun. Better yet use it in a way that will lead you to grow into a better person. You have the choice whether you abuse it or not. You see, It takes more than a lifetime to fully know someone. In electronics I’ve learned that the best way to conduct current is in forward bias, because the depletion decreases, same principle applies in real life, the more you let a positive and another positive to work out, the greater the possibilities you will decrease the gap and fill in the missing holes… gap can pertains to the gap itself in achieving your goals while holes can be something that is missing in your life.

To Julie and Lhei, you guys has the slightest Idea about the last paragraph noh? *smirk* -FYI, its sarcasm

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