
We all have a story to tell.

Whether we whisper or yell.
We all have a story, of adolescence and all it's glory.
We all have a story to tell.

Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.
Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.
Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?

-Happily ever after by HeisWe

If you can't

WRITE it! :)

Datteebbbaayyyoooo xTina!!! (^_^)

Monday, May 30, 2011


Kanina sa TV Patrol, they have a text poll concerning “Divorce”, lumalabas sa result, correct me if I’m wrong with the digits, but I know the percentage goes 53% or 51% for the Pro’s and the remaining percent is of course for the against divorce.

Nakakalungkot lang na sa panahon ngayon madame na ang sumasangayon dito. Even without the concern of religion, this concept is really wrong. Yes, you may have had ended with a bad relationship that before inakala mong wagas at totoo, and now your solution is divorce? Ganun na lang ba talaga kadali yun? Why not try to think of the possible ways of saving your relationship, or think of the positive reasons why you have to save your relationship…like thinking about your kids? In my opinion if our government allows “divorce” in our country probably they will just increase also the number of broken families here in the Philippines. There’s this old saying about getting married, “Ang pag-aasawa hindi yan parang mainit na kaning isusubo mo lang, tapos kapag napaso ka iluluwa mo na lang bigla.” If there is indeed an option as “Divorce” don’t you think that saying will still be relevant? With Divorce as legal, that saying will be revised into something like this: “Ang pag-aasawa parang mainit na kanin lang yan.. pagsinubo mo tapos napaso ka.. eh di iluwa mo!”.

We are so blessed that God has given us freedom, to decide for our own… to have free will… kaya lang minsan naabuso naten…may mga mahahalaga tayong desisyon sa buhay na dapat isa-alang-alang at hindi nadadaan sa basta bastang pagdedesisyon. Same goes with matrimony.

As a daughter, I cannot bear to see my mom and dad to go their separate ways and never did I think of having a broken family. Again I repeat myself, Divorce will not actually make our country convenient, and instead it will just increase the chances of having countless numbers of ruined families. Hindi naman naten kelangan makipagsabayan sa mga ibang bansa eh, dahil hindi naman porke’t ginagawa ng karamihan eh yun na ang tama.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hello Stranger Thai Movie And I thought Crazy Little Thing Called Love was the only one… here’s another BEAST! :)  Quick Movie Review: 1.) Not your typical “out of the country then boy meets girl love story” 2.) Very hilarious at the same time a tear jerker movie. 3.) Unpredictable plot 4.) You’ll get the feeling of aching to visit Korea 5.) You’ll definitely fall in love with the characters! 6.) Dang to Dang! (hope you get that?lol) You’ll get infected with Dang’s contagious cute laugh. Like his role, he’s so crazy! :) Sub to the number 6, you’ll soon realize Dang somehow looks like the combination of John Avila and Christian Bautista… 7.) May :)  Great actress! She’s really perfect with her role. :) She looks like Janice of JayessLee (popular singing twins from youtube)… Lastly,  The Movie itself is a masterpiece. Very creative when it comes to the script, cinematography, plot, direction… everything that a great movie has! You won’t regret watching it, well unless if you’re a hardcore morbid. Thai movies are best in making you say this after you had watched: “Dammmmnnn to that! I want a sequel!!!!” Yeah Dammnn to that! I really want a sequel!!!!!!!

Hello Stranger Thai Movie

And I thought Crazy Little Thing Called Love was the only one… here’s another BEAST! :)

Quick Movie Review:

1.) Not your typical “out of the country then boy meets girl love story”

2.) Very hilarious at the same time a tear jerker movie.

3.) Unpredictable plot

4.) You’ll get the feeling of aching to visit Korea

5.) You’ll definitely fall in love with the characters!

6.) Dang to Dang! (hope you get that?lol)

You’ll get infected with Dang’s contagious cute laugh. Like his role, he’s so crazy! :)

Sub to the number 6, you’ll soon realize Dang somehow looks like the combination of John Avila and Christian Bautista…

7.) May :)

Great actress! She’s really perfect with her role. :)

She looks like Janice of JayessLee (popular singing twins from youtube)…

Lastly, The Movie itself is a masterpiece. Very creative when it comes to the script, cinematography, plot, direction… everything that a great movie has! You won’t regret watching it, well unless if you’re a hardcore morbid. Thai movies are best in making you say this after you had watched: “Dammmmnnn to that! I want a sequel!!!!”

Yeah Dammnn to that! I really want a sequel!!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


*I’m typing this on the 24th of May… an hour before I turn “Tweenteen” :) *

So…. I guess I’m out of words. If Microsoft word would type instantly what’s on my mind…

Probably he’ll type like this:


Like I don’t know.. There’s something inside of me.. I just can’t fully express… Excitement ba’to? Maybe… but usually if that’s the case.. I blurted out like this:


Well I guess, everyone feels this some kind of uncategorized, inevitable somehow ecstatic indescribable feeling whenever you reach another year in your life. Thank God for the world is still alive, well you know about the “May 21 Doomsday Prediction” news? ‘nuff said.

So what’s up with me?

Probably still most of the same me, the one who loves anime, music, media stuffs, who loves to draw, play around with my cat, surf the internet, share my insights in forums. I’m still the same person who loves to edit videos, experimenting in photoshop, goofing around with my bestest friends, enthusiastically the one who’s cheering and teasing for my mom and dad to kiss…haha, the one who enjoyed playing a trick with her brother, the one who strangely thinking about the magic brought to me by different people whom I happened to know… or strangers that happened to passed by and probably I’m still the one who is hiding inside her own nest plainly and oddly thinking about life and the way it’s becoming somehow simplified…

Yes another year. The feeling of being blessed… not because I got the best of everything.. I do have failures, actually many regrets in the past years. But would it be better if I just embrace life just the way it is? well it doesn’t mean I will stick forever with my flaws… Yes I also do have unanswered prayers… bad decisions… broken dreams…being mistreated.. misplaced.. misunderstood.. ( oh wait.. I’m … got lots of wishful thinking that’s somehow drowning me in the space of my reality.

Cliché as it may sound but past is past…

Another year is given. Another chance.

We are constantly learning… soon everything will fall accordingly to what is planned by him, and I trust him… I will surrender everything to him… though doing my part is not that easy… but still this is life, with tons of decisions to make I would gladly take the risk to live and just be who I am.

PS: I’m saying goodbye to being Ms. Pushover… *behlat!!!*

Monday, May 23, 2011


re-watching this teaser for the 2nd time. I hate it because this makes me more confuse!!!!

here's my observation though:

The anime character is actually a girl, with the way she looks like? probably someone called a 'boyish'. (Danngg.. I missed it the first time I saw this teaser.. thought it was a guy.. and I've got the initial thought of her crushing so hard with an anime character! )

and yeah I've got this weird feeling that she is a lesbian in this film.

You know, like she has a 'friend male' inside her.. > (Am I making sense?)

and the one that strengthen my theories?

is this:

Notice the underlined letters that spelled "FEMALE".

OK maybe I'm just thinking way too hard... but that's just my observations... funny thing is, well some people got this same observations as well. :)

Mr. Google won't help me. I don't have a Thai friend to read their scripts.

Yes I'm confuse! So confuse about the synopsis! and that's what makes me want to watch this movie aside from the fact that Bai Fern Pimchanok Leuwi%&#* (whatever!) is here! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011



Rangers in the third world.

Photos by Nicole from the set of that fun Slurpee advert I worked on : )


Kinda sad when I read “Rangers in the third world” :(. (Reality bites I guess..) Anyways its not what I’m gonna talk about now. I just love this TVC :) I’m not so sure what will happen if the rangers will meet Domo-kun. LOL. Probably the cutest thing ever? :)

Another awesome creation, kudos to the team and Sir Avid. You never fail to amuse me.. :)

PS: This TVC awakens the Super Sentai Addiction I’ve got back to the days when I thought they were real! LOL. The reason also why I’m re-watching Engine Sentai Go-Onger! :)

posted in: MY TUMBLR PAGE



Ok.. this makes me more super excited! and I've heard its gonna be aired this May! What a perfect birthday treat! :) woooottt!!! :)

I enjoyed this film in Thai's original version, what more if its in my native tongue! Swear! Ansaya saya! :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


If movies were monsters this will be the beast! LOL.

Its been months since the first time I have watched this epic Thai movie and I gotta admit I’m also one of those who abuses it. Well not the scary or psycho thing but I just love to watch it over and over again. Ok ‘nuff said this is not my story. Here’s the real start of my review:

One thing that surely made this movie a fiery hit was that they have an awesome set of actors and actresses!

P’Shone? Mario Maurer. The definition of a real gorgeously handsome leading man. forget the list of handsome guys, he’s on the top!

Nam? Baifern. She’s so pretty that you will envy her to death! err.. joking! She’s really lovable. :)

Teacher In? needless to say she’s the coolest teacher ever! :)

Actually the story is so cliche! You might had probably watched a couple of teen flicks before. But did you actually ask yourself, especially to those who are so fond to romance movies, what’s the spell bounded with these kind of movies that keeping you attached?

A crazy little thing called LOVE? indeed!

With this movie the same old happy-sad feelings that you had back to the days when you were being head over heels to someone who means the world to you is suddenly being revived.Dang to that feeling :) (oh.. i’m having a jelly toes right now.. LOL)

That’s that! For humanity sake, we all have that ‘story’ in us. It could be someone from your highschool life, a classmate, schoolmate, instructor, your company’s boss, officemate, your gloomy neighbor, your boyfriend etc&&

101% excellent movie. I don’t care if you push me off to swimming pool just like what had happened to the ‘beyond hurtful’ scene of Nam and P’Shone. I won’t get tired loving this movie! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

This entity is now back. Hiatus is almost over! Recovering from the state of impecunious and returning from space bent back to the natural occurrence of events. Data manipulation of acquired and lost info set to restoration in coming days. (Hardcore Nagatoism? LOL ) (^_^)V..