
We all have a story to tell.

Whether we whisper or yell.
We all have a story, of adolescence and all it's glory.
We all have a story to tell.

Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.
Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.
Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?

-Happily ever after by HeisWe

If you can't

WRITE it! :)

Datteebbbaayyyoooo xTina!!! (^_^)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hello Stranger Thai Movie And I thought Crazy Little Thing Called Love was the only one… here’s another BEAST! :)  Quick Movie Review: 1.) Not your typical “out of the country then boy meets girl love story” 2.) Very hilarious at the same time a tear jerker movie. 3.) Unpredictable plot 4.) You’ll get the feeling of aching to visit Korea 5.) You’ll definitely fall in love with the characters! 6.) Dang to Dang! (hope you get that?lol) You’ll get infected with Dang’s contagious cute laugh. Like his role, he’s so crazy! :) Sub to the number 6, you’ll soon realize Dang somehow looks like the combination of John Avila and Christian Bautista… 7.) May :)  Great actress! She’s really perfect with her role. :) She looks like Janice of JayessLee (popular singing twins from youtube)… Lastly,  The Movie itself is a masterpiece. Very creative when it comes to the script, cinematography, plot, direction… everything that a great movie has! You won’t regret watching it, well unless if you’re a hardcore morbid. Thai movies are best in making you say this after you had watched: “Dammmmnnn to that! I want a sequel!!!!” Yeah Dammnn to that! I really want a sequel!!!!!!!

Hello Stranger Thai Movie

And I thought Crazy Little Thing Called Love was the only one… here’s another BEAST! :)

Quick Movie Review:

1.) Not your typical “out of the country then boy meets girl love story”

2.) Very hilarious at the same time a tear jerker movie.

3.) Unpredictable plot

4.) You’ll get the feeling of aching to visit Korea

5.) You’ll definitely fall in love with the characters!

6.) Dang to Dang! (hope you get that?lol)

You’ll get infected with Dang’s contagious cute laugh. Like his role, he’s so crazy! :)

Sub to the number 6, you’ll soon realize Dang somehow looks like the combination of John Avila and Christian Bautista…

7.) May :)

Great actress! She’s really perfect with her role. :)

She looks like Janice of JayessLee (popular singing twins from youtube)…

Lastly, The Movie itself is a masterpiece. Very creative when it comes to the script, cinematography, plot, direction… everything that a great movie has! You won’t regret watching it, well unless if you’re a hardcore morbid. Thai movies are best in making you say this after you had watched: “Dammmmnnn to that! I want a sequel!!!!”

Yeah Dammnn to that! I really want a sequel!!!!!!!


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