OK, So I'm planning to put up a documentation thing for our electronics 2 project in which we were asked to make our own transistor tester. This documentation is just a random thing that I always do whenever I feel like doing. huh? LOL. Anyways, as a half diligent and half lazy electronics student... or maybe 1/4 diligent only.. lol. I prefer to spice up the pressure I feel whenever a project was given to me, spicing up means adding more extra activities to the typical or let me say to the mundane ways of accomplishing a given task or the project itself. And this is what I do.LOL. Actually there are still several things I do just to lessen the pressure. I will mention some of it later on.
Ok, let's start now the project.
Day 1:
I found several good schematic diagrams for our transistor tester at the internet. One of the best was this.
Credit to the owner :
I'm too lazy to include the schematic diagram here. LOL. Anyhoo, I recommend this schematic diagram for beginners like me. We manage to canvass the parts and so far, only the 9 volt battery and the IC are the money suckers. Approximately Php 275 for this project.
Ow i forgot to mention, our instructor gave us also sample copy of a transistor tester schematic diagram including the part list and the procedures.
I will scan and post the said copy on the next post. Please bare with me.
Actually I find this one cheaper than the 275php project I mention before ( the one i provided with link). Let's take for example the IC cost 28php only as compare to the 68php(IC's price or any other parts varies depends on the part number/type i supposed.) Plus the fact that "instructions" and "procedures" are included and since it is commercially available, I've chosen this one. I actually bought some of the important materials or parts of it. Later on, I will start to build it on the bread board. I will post updates soon as I accomplish a thing.
So i guess that's it for Day 1.
btw, submission of this project will be after our foundation day. Gee.. the clock is ticking... I have more than a week to finish this... tsk tsk..
Aja! Fighting! LOL.
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