
We all have a story to tell.

Whether we whisper or yell.
We all have a story, of adolescence and all it's glory.
We all have a story to tell.

Oh, happily ever after, wouldn't you know, wouldn't you know.
Oh, skip to the ending, who'd like to know, I'd like to know.
Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?

-Happily ever after by HeisWe

If you can't

WRITE it! :)

Datteebbbaayyyoooo xTina!!! (^_^)

Friday, January 21, 2011


Have you ever been in a situation wherein all your efforts suddenly turn into nothing?

Just recently I’ve been there… It’s nothing but beyond hurtful. But hey, I’m recovering. Thank goodness, for God really saves.

Some people told me not to confuse myself with what is fantasy into what is reality.

Obviously the latter is far more important. I do agree with it but somehow I can’t help but to wonder, does things that actually happened and turned out to be the reality now, were also the things that were actually a fantasy before? That thought gives me the thing I called “good vibes”, the optimism about believing that possibilities are infinite, anything can happen, that even the wildest dream sometimes exist in real world.

To gain back my self confidence, I guess I have to surrender from the fact that life also offers the value of humility, that in order to gain success you must lay your feet flat on the ground.. and never never put your heads up in the clouds.

Life has no resetting… things cannot be undone… but I still believe in “Changes”.

Goodnight and God Bless :)

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